Top 8 Universities in the Netherlands (Part 1) - Education In The Netherlands

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Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 10, 2017

Top 8 Universities in the Netherlands (Part 1)

Top 8 Universities in the Netherlands 

Are you moving to the Netherlands and want to enroll you or your children in higher education? Do not worry, you will find many universities among the best in the world in Holland. Discover here our ranking of the 8 best universities in the country.

1. Delft University of Technology
Founded in 1842, Technishe Universiteit Delft is the oldest and largest technological university in the Netherlands. It ranks the 59th best university in the world in the 2016 World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education Supplement. It is also the best university in the Netherlands.
It welcomes every year nearly 20,000 students in 8 faculties. Most programs are taught in Dutch with the exception of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences, which are taught exclusively in English. Many technologies developed by researchers at TU Delft are now used as a metal fiber used in the construction of the Airbus A380.
2. University of Amsterdam
Founded in 1632, the Universiteit van Amsterdam is a public university founded in 1632 and located in Amsterdam, the country's capital. It ranks 63rd best university in the world in the 2016 World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education Supplement. It is also the 2nd best university in the Netherlands.
With more than 31,000 students, it is the largest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with nearly 8000 scientific publications in 2010 and a budget of 200 million euros. Finally, it has more than 200 partnerships with foreign universities. She saw 6 Nobel laureates and 5 prime ministers among her ranks.
3. University of Wageningen
Founded in 1918, Wageningen University & Research is a public research university. It consists of Wageningen University and the former Agricultural Research Institute of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. It ranks the world's 65th best university in the 2016 World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education Supplement. It is also the 3rd best university in the Netherlands.
It welcomes more than 10,000 students each year. The teaching is in Dutch and English for most of the programs. Nevertheless, it is possible to choose programs taught exclusively in English.
4. Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Founded in 1913, the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam is a public university located in Rotterdam. It ranks the 69th best university in the world in the 2016 World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education Supplement. It is also the 4th best university in the Netherlands.
It welcomes every year 26 000 students in 7 faculties. It houses the Erasmus MC, the largest university medical center in the Netherlands and a management school with an excellent international reputation. She has seen a Nobel laureate as well as many prominent politicians.

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